Manual Handling Course
Course objectives:- Our manual handling course raises awareness of manual handling operations with the intention of reducing accidents and injuries, to improve productivity and reduce costs.
- Course duration is for 1 day
- Maximum 10 delegates per day
- Certificate of Attendance is awarded on successful completion of this training course
Course Objectives
- Raise awareness of manual handling operations
- Reduce accidents / injuries
- Improve productivity and reduce costs
Manual Handling relevance at home and in the workplace
- Techniques to reduce risk and prolong the working life of the back
Health & Safety Compliance
- Manual Handling Operations & Regulations (MHOR) 1992
- Employer and Employee duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 74
- Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (1992)
Manual Handling Injuries
- Injury patterns
- Causes and avoidance of injury
Risk Factors in Manual Handling Operations
- The Task
- Individual capabilities & limitations
- The Load
- The Environment
- Risk Assessment
- Implementing measures to reduce risk, creating new habits.
- The benefits of the ergonomic approach
Handling Techniques
- Using Kinetic Lifting Principles
Good Lifting Techniques
- Explained within the relevant workplace using the practical tasks the delegates would be expected to carry out on a daily basis.
Employers have a duty to provide manual handling training courses to their staff.
Manual handling training is a legal requirement of the Manual Handling Regulations which is the main source of health & safety regulation for lifting & carrying loads at work.
Manoeuvres that involve lifting, pushing, pulling and twisting are referred to as health and safety manual handling tasks. Anyone who has to perform manual handling or move items in their workplace wherever they work has the right to be trained in Manual Handling.
CRS Training Services can provide Manual Handling Training delivered by qualified trainers covering a variety of topics from how to move objects correctly to the type of injuries sustained from incorrect actions. This Training can be carried out at CRS Training’s site or at your premises.
Manual handling
It is easy to scoff at the need for manual handling training but, poor practice at work is responsible for a third of workplace injuries, which translates in a curtailed personal social life in addition to whatever problems at work ensue.
What does manual handling cover?
- carrying
- lifting
- lowering
- pulling
- pushing
Manual handling injuries can be avoided by a range of best practices which you will learn on our course, to book on to a course please telephone 01594 563 820 or use our
contact form and we will get back to you.